Online Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Training

The university is committed to creating a safe and respectful learning environment. As part of that commitment, the university requires that all students, faculty, staff, and affiliates meet an annual training requirement. These trainings also help the university meet its obligations under Title IX, VAWA, and the Clery Act. Online trainings are available for undergraduate students, graduate and professional students, and faculty and staff. All trainings deal with sensitive topics in a frank and engaging manner. If a member of the campus community has is concerned about how taking the training may impact them, options are available. More information about each training is listed below. The trainings have been developed by Catharsis Productions, whose mission is "to change the world by producing innovative, accessible and research-supported programming that challenges oppressive attitudes and shifts behavior."

Title IX Training - Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate students will learn about sexual misconduct, university policy, prevention and response. This is composed of three modules. The first module covers how our culture can send problematic messages about sex and relationships that contribute to sexual misconduct on college campuses. The second module discusses consent, sexual assault, stalking and intimate partner violence. The third module discusses bystander intervention, victim blaming, responding compassionately to disclosures of sexual misconduct, and campus resources to support survivors. Together, the three modules take about an hour to complete. To access the training, go to Bridge and sign in with your university credentials. The training should appear in the Required Courses section of your Bridge home screen.

Title IX Training - Graduate and Professional Students

Graduate and professional students will learn about sexual misconduct, university policy, prevention strategies and response options. This is a single module which takes approximately 40 minutes to complete. To access the training, go to Bridge and sign in with your university credentials. The training should appear in the Required Courses section of your Bridge home screen.

Title IX Training - Faculty & Staff

Faculty and staff, per university policy, are required to meet this training requirement annually, which covers sexual misconduct, university policy, prevention strategies and response options. Employees who are Officials with Authority under Title IX and Campus Security Authorities under the Clery Act are required by law to take the training annually. The training takes approximately 40 minutes.To access the training, go to Bridge and sign in with your university credentials. The training should appear in the Required Courses section of your Bridge home screen.


Please visit the Frequently Asked Questions page. Please contact IEC with questions or concerns about the training at, or (402) 472-3417. Please remember that Institutional Equity and Compliance staff members are expected to report sexual misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator.

If you would like to speak with someone about the content of the training confidentially, there are confidential resources you can turn to: If you have questions, please contact a confidential resource:

Live Trainings

While members of the campus community are required to complete the appropriate online training module for their role on campus, IEC also does in-person presentations and workshops about sexual misconduct to build upon the foundation provided by the online training. To discuss a live virtual or in-person training for your department, professional group, or student organization, please email Institutional Equity and Compliance at (Only available to the university community.)