Institutional Equity and Compliance (IEC) is pleased to offer training on various topics for the campus community. Below are descriptions of the live training sessions and links to web pages with more information, including additional dates. Registration for all IEC training sessions is available in the Bridge Learning Management System.
Upcoming Events
Accessibility Training
A is for Accessibility is an introductory training for all members of the campus community to increase skills in providing services for colleagues, students, and visitors to campus with disabilities. The training includes information about disability etiquette, inclusive language, Services for Students with Disabilities, and Faculty/Staff Disability Services.
B is for Barriers invites participants to think about how their websites and electronic documents may exclude individuals with disabilities from accessing the content. Participants do not need a web design background or advanced software skills to benefit from this training, and the training is open to all members of the campus community.
Americans with Disabilities Act/Section 504 for Supervisors is a professional development opportunity focused on creating accessible work environments for current supervisees and job applicants.
Responding to Sexual Misconduct
The Sexual Misconduct Response Workshop for Faculty and Staff and Sexual Misconduct Response Workshop for Graduate Students build upon the required online training to refine individuals’ understanding of reporting responsibilities, compassionate response to disclosures, and available resources.
Search Committees
UNL faculty, staff, and students serving on search committees must take the Search Process Seminar before the search committee reviews applications. Undergraduates and community members serving on search committees are encouraged to attend. Completing the seminar provides a two-year certification to serve on search committees.
Custom Training Sessions
IEC welcomes the opportunity to custom-tailor training for your departmental needs. Additionally, we are happy to schedule sessions of the workshops described above for your department or organization. Contact Ryan Fette with questions and to schedule custom sessions.