Sexual Misconduct Response Workshop for Graduate Assistants

Audience:Graduate Assistants

To reinforce knowledge of topics seen on the Online Sexual Misconduct Response Training.

To help Graduate Assistants effectively respond to disclosures of sexual misconduct, discrimination, or harassment made by students or colleagues.


Refine Graduate Assistants understanding of:

  • Reporting responsibilities
  • What should be reported 
  • How to respond compassionately 
  • Resources to support individuals making disclosures
Delivery:In Person/ Online
Duration:1 Hour 
Customizable?YES! - This training can be adapted to your group's needs.


Email Envelope

Schedule Session

Let us know:

  • Who the training is for- include the number of participants 
  • If there are specific points you would like to cover
  • Possible dates and if you have a preferred location

Please note: This live training is optional and does not fulfill employees’ obligation to take the online training.

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